Sucking that little thumb!
What a profile!

Chris wasn't able to be at the ultrasound because of work, but they set me home with a CD with six still shots from the test. It was so cool to watch as she did the US. I had to drink some juice before the test to help the baby be more active (AKA sugar rush). Boy, do we have a wiggler! He/She was waving and flipping and rolling all over the place in there. I had an ultrasound at about 8 weeks, but it was just a grey smudge in a black smudge then. This time it really looks like a baby! I really can't even describe the feeling of seeing my child basically for the first time. To know that everything is okay, to see this little life that is inside me wave at me...tears. There were tears. It makes me want to do everything just right during this pregnancy. It makes me want to be a better mom already.
What do you think? Any gender guesses? Who does the baby look more like? :)
What do you think? Any gender guesses? Who does the baby look more like? :)
I see your nose and cheeks in peanuts profile!