I suppose I should start from the beginning. I found out on Friday morning, Nov. 4, that I was pregnant. Of course, I was thrilled, but cautious. I didn't know if I believed the test for sure, so early that morning before work (but after Christopher was gone) I ran to the grocery store around the corner and bought a different kind of test. That one was even more positive! Needless to say, I was an excited mess by that point. Somehow I made it through the work day, and then rushed home to tell Christopher in person.
This part of the story needs some clarification. I've been keeping a journal for quite some time, written to by future child. I didn't know when this child would come along, but it's just a record of thoughts, prayers, and hopes for the kid's future, etc. I addressed all of the letters to "Peanut." When I came home that evening, Chris met me at the door looking excited. I thought he must have found the test or something, and I was a little disappointed. He pointed to a single Reese's peanut butter cup on the kitchen counter and asked, "Does this mean something? It's a PEANUT butter cup!" Relieved, I assured him that it was just a coincidence, and didn't mean anything. He was obviously disappointed, but accepting.
We decided to order Chinese for dinner that night, and as he was looking over the menu, I sneakily put this sign on the kitchen table for him to find:

He looked at it for a long time, then looked at me with a terribly confused expression. "Really?
Really? REALLY?" I think he asked me about eighty two times. I nodded and then got the biggest hug I think I've every gotten in my life. We're both so excited about this little one!
Fast forward, I am now beginning my 13th week. We're due July 16, 2012, on my grandpa's birthday! We have several other July birthdays in the family, so if I'm early or late, I may very well hit one of them. We're looking forward to all the adventures that are ahead of us, but unfortunately we are currently living quite far from both of our families and close friends. Hopefully this blog will help keep everyone in the know, and help all of our loved ones feel like the special part of this journey that they are. Love you all!